Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Equipment Gap Hinders Some Teams

Sad to say but because of the economic crisis that we have entered her in the United States it has affected the low budget high school sports teams. Mainly baseball and softball have been affected the most because of all the equipment that is required for the players. Some schools only offer the jerseys and travel bags and require for the players to get their own bats, gloves, cleats, and other essential equipment to play. So players who may have great talent but because they can't afford the right equipment they will not perform to their potential and to the extreme may cause them to quit playing. Steve Garland who is the coach of East Hamilton's baseball team said "Economics play a big role in this game now and that’s a bitter pill to swallow for someone like me who loves baseball. I don’t want it to be a rich kid’s sport, like golf or tennis, but its gotten to the point with the expense of bats, gloves, cleats and private instructors that that’s what the game has become." High school is where kids should get the chance to play and the kids should not have to pay for anything. The parent are already suffering enough by trying to take care of their family and now they have to pay hundreds of dollars for baseball/softball equipment. That will not go over real well.
How the economy is affecting sports is what we talked about in class on March 15th and 17th. We talked about the prices that people have to pay to see/play for their favorite sports and how its risen.

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